Food aid: To support 100,000 poor and vulnerable families affected by the COVID with food baskets to ensure food and nutrition security for 30 days.
The kids we teach at our centres are from diverse backgrounds. It is our dream to provide every child in India with quality education.
Our volunteers planting trees donated by donors for the noble cause of afforestation.
Books Distribution among poor students who can't afford to purchase one so that they can easily study.

Awarenness is the greatest agent for change


Happiness consists of giving and serving others!

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Motivation is an important factor which encourages persons to give their best performance and help in reaching enterprise goals.

Become a Volunteer

Give your services to the people and the nature

Our Impact

NGOs offer financial perks under challenging times to various sections of societies that are craving for help. Apart from advocating human rights, NGOs can arrange substantial funds for the local government to push social-oriented programs forward.